I used to be a MIDI composer. I plan on loading my entire body of work onto this site for free purposes. Needless to say, I loved writing music, but my mentality has shifted due to a lot of extreme hardships and I no longer plan on writing compositions anymore. I have schizophrenia and various nerve-system damages have been dealt, making my living effort much more difficult than the average musician & writer. I'm learning to endure deeper & deeper, though.
At any rate, the audio quality is quite low because I just used a simple MIDI-to-mp3 converter. I will be including tablature links to my composition so that you can examine the entire piece & even download the original MIDIs. Most of my MIDIs were written using PowerTab Editor 1.7 & Guitar Pro 5; as guitar was my main instrument, these softwares were invaluable. Sadly, I cannot find a good MIDI converter that keeps the original MIDI audio quality. Hopefully MIDIs will be better supported in the future as a music file.
So yeah, really poor quality mp3 audio, but highly developed MIDI writing. Feel free to use my work for any projects or even simple listening pleasure. I should have nearly 70 or so tunes I plan on uploading, however long it takes me to upload them all is to be determined.
Thanks for tuning in.